Location / altitude / position / temperature / history / significance / importance / map / tourist / travel Guide / information / main attraction / photography tips / photo gallery / entry fee / timing of park
The Vansda national Park recognized in 1979 in Navsari district, Gujarat got its name Vansda as the Maharaja of Vansda were the owners of this region. The Park having an area of 25 square kilometres is located in the mounts of Western Ghats or Sahyadris with the nearest town Waghai 5 kilometers away.
Although the park is tiny, it is enormously dense and has a extensive and diverse flora and fauna. Several part of the park remains dark even all through the day. The park is located near to the National Highway 8 and is intersected by the Waghai Vansda State Highway.
best time / season / when to visit :
October to May