Things to do or see in Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park, Tamil Nadu, India

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Of the 21 islands, seven islands have a place with Mandapam bunch, seven islands to Keelakarai group, three islands to Vembar and four remaining islands to Tuticorin group. The Marine National Park, one of the richest coastal regions in Asia, contains in excess of 3,600 types of widely varied vegetation the majority of which are virgin. There are beaches, estuaries and tropical dry broad leaf backwoods in the park and three unique marine environments, for example, ocean grass, coral reefs and mangroves alongside algal groups and salt marshes. 
Around 11 types of sea grass, completely recorded in India, and almost 117 types of Hard coral are found in the Gulf of Mannar. The Kurusadai Islands, off Mandapam gloats of an unlimited spread of shallow waters. The reef is home to sprats, herrings, barracuda, sea horses, dolphins, Balano-glossus, sea cucumbers, pearl clams and turtles. The sandy shores of the islands give a settling natural surroundings to around five types of marine turtles. Migratory birds visit these islands in addition. In any case because of ruinous angling and contamination, coral reefs, dolphins, Dugongs (Dugong Dugon), whales and ocean cucumbers are among the species which figure in the endangered group.

when / best time/ season to visit : October to March

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