Things to do / see / wild life in Bitharkanika National park Balesore , Orissa, India

The park holds tidal swamp forests comprising of a wealth of mangrove, saltwater and salty water blended species, for example, Causarinas, Thespia, grasses like indigo bush and so forth. It is the second biggest feasible stretch of mangrove forest in the Indian terrain. The Fauna of the park incorporate Olive ridley turtles (ocean turtle), saltwater crocodiles, wild pigs, rhesus monkeys, panther, wild pig, hyena, jungle cat, sambar, monster squirrel, water screen, chitals, king cobra, python, fishes and other micro fauna. 

Birds found are strokes, ibis, white necked sea eagle and fish eagle and so forth. The best time / season for going by the park is winter (November to February).the park arranged along the Gahiramatha Coast is a safe house for a great many marine animal types particularly the Olive ridley turtles which come here to lay eggs amid the nights in winter. The giant Pacific Ridley ocean turtles accepted to come as far away as South America settle on the Gahirmatha Coast.

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