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Mudumalai National Park is situated at the foothills of the Nilgiri hills in Tamil Nadu. Mudumalai which accurately means ancient hills was acknowledged as a reserve during 1927 and transformed into a sanctuary in 1940. It is an extension of the Bandipur National Park in the adjacent state of Karnataka and is detached by the river Moyar that flows down the border of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

The park with its nearest town Gudalur has a border with the Wayanad Sanctuary in Kerala. Mudumalai is a division of the forest areas which consist of the Bandipur National Park and Rajiv Gandhi National Park or Nagarhole in Karnataka, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala which collectively form the Niligiri Biosphere Reserve.

The park with its nearest town Gudalur has a border with the Wayanad Sanctuary in Kerala. Mudumalai is a division of the forest areas which consist of the Bandipur National Park and Rajiv Gandhi National Park or Nagarhole in Karnataka, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala which collectively form the Niligiri Biosphere Reserve.