Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary and birds of India Gurgaon Haryana

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Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary, established by Dr. Salim Ali is around 16 kilometer from Gurgaon district of Haryana. located at a distance of 50 kilometer from Delhi on the Gurgaon - Farukh Nagar Road, For its natural beauty and presence of various birds make it a perfect destination for the lovers of nature and for bird watching. The park covering a region of 143 square kilometer has tropical and dry deciduous forest comprising of babul savannah grasses, acacia, jamun, banyans and so forth. 

The  Park region has marshy lands where water amasses amid downpours and dries out in summer. In time the muddy area gets occupied with number of organisms like crustaceans, fishes and insects draw in number of birds that includes migratory birds. The capability of Sultanpur was initially perceived by the world famed ornithologist, Mr. Peter Jackson and the region was arranged and suitable vegetation planted to pull in more birds. It was announced a Bird Sanctuary in 1971 and was moved up to the status of National Park in 1991 by Haryana Government.

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