The temple, a splendid structure in stone with noteworthy figures, took 16 years to finish. 1,200 artisans and 12,000 workers were utilized on the errand. In its unique structure, the aggregate stature of the temple was 229 feet. Set in the midst of an open exacerbate (857 ft. by 540 ft.) which lies around 2 m underneath the encompassing land, the sanctum comprised of a Deula, a Jagamohana (Audience corridor), Bhoga Mandap (Dining Hall) and pillared Natamandapa (Dancing Hall).
The Deula and Jagamohana stand near one another over a high stage yet the Natamandapa is a segregated structure. The super structure of the principle hallowed place which consecrated the managing god i.e. Deula has tumbled down so additionally the super structure of the Natamandapa and Bhoga Mandap. The Jagamohana is still in place in its total.