by flight / Air : Near by Airport is Thiruvananthapuram which is 16 km away from Kovalam
by train / Rail: Near by Railway station is at Thiruvananthapuram
by Road / local transport: one can rech Kovalam by direct and frequent bus services from Thiruvananthapuram. Buses connect the place from Ernakulam, Kanyakumari and Periyar wildlife sanctuary. At Kovalam, the main bus stand is located at the entry point of the Ashoka hotel.
by train / Rail: Near by Railway station is at Thiruvananthapuram
by Road / local transport: one can rech Kovalam by direct and frequent bus services from Thiruvananthapuram. Buses connect the place from Ernakulam, Kanyakumari and Periyar wildlife sanctuary. At Kovalam, the main bus stand is located at the entry point of the Ashoka hotel.