Bodh Gaya - where Buddha got enlightenment

Location / importance / temperature / history / height / elevation / map / area / weather / travel / tourism / photography / guide / tips / photo gallery / timing / entry fees of Bodh Gaya , Bihar , India
Best time / season / when to visit : Throughout the year

The village of Bodhgaya located close to the river Niranjana, 12 km from Gaya in the state of Bihar is the most significant Buddhist pilgrimage centre and draws Buddhists from all over the globe. It is here where Lord Sakyamuni (Gautam Buddha) enter into meditation after being stirred by the suffering of mankind and achieved enlightenment.

The unique Bodhi tree or Pipal (Ficus religiosa) - the tree of awakening, was said to have been ruined by Mauryan emperor Ashoka. The giant Bodhi Tree (Peepal) seen now is believed to have grown-up from the original Bodhi Tree beneath which, sitting on the elevated red stone platform, vajrasila , Prince Siddharth meditated and at last attained Nirvana. The raised area has stone carving of his footprints where the devout offer flowers.
Chaukramana - the Jewel Walk, where it is supposed that the Buddha used to stroll whilst in deep thought and  Animeshlochana - is the sacred dot where Buddha stood to stare in gratefulness at the Bodhi tree for a week. 

How to reach
Hotels in Bodh Gaya

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