Lake Pichola one of the most beautiful lakes in Rajasthan, India

Location / altitude / position / temperature / history / significance / importance / map / tourist / travel Guide / information / main attraction / photography tips / photo gallery / entry fee / timing of lake

heritage hotels india rajasthanLake Pichola or the backyard is an artificial fresh water lake in Udaipur, Rajasthan which is encircled by Aravali hills, gardens, temples, monuments, bathing ghats and havelis. The scenic images of the monuments on the water and the lavish green backdrops make this location worth visiting. Rainwater is the key source to fill the lake and the water filled lake is the main attraction for the visitors and tourists. 

The name is derived from the neighboring Picholi Village, two islands known as Jag Niwas and Jag Mandir are situated in Pichola Lake. On its shores are the Oberoi Udaivilas, Leela Palace Kempinski, two heritage hotels Shiv Niwas, Fateh Prakash along with the City Palace museum.

best / ideal season / time / when to visit : July to August

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