Tadoba National Park and the home of tigers Maharashtra, India

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Tadoba National Park is located in the Chandrapur district in the north eastern division of Maharashtra otherwise called the Jewel of Vidharba, it is the oldest national park in Maharashtra.

The Park derives its name from the neighboring tribal God Taru. According to the myth Taru was a village leader who died in an epic fight with a tiger, and the neighborhood villagers from then onwards began worshiping him as the deity of Tadoba.

The park was recognized in 1935 and acknowledged as a National Park in 1955 and since 1995, the area that comprise of the Tadoba National Park and Andhari Wildlife Santuary collectively called Tadoba - Andhari Tiger Reserve. It is the second Tiger Reserve in Maharastra , India. The region of the Reserve is 630 square kilometers. The forest constitutes with 578 square kilometers. reserve Forest 35 square kilometers. Protected Forest and 15 square kilometers added areas. The national park contained by the reserved forest is the home of thousand species of birds, animals, insects and other wildlife.

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