Hotels / resorts in Namdapha National Park , Arunachal Pradesh

booking / tariff / address / website / reviews of budget  / luxury / heritage / general / city hotels / jungle resort  / forest rest house / cottage / tent in Namdapha National Park

Accommodation is available at the Arunachal Pradesh Government Tourist Lodge, Miao . Rest House at Namchik and at the Forest Inspection Bungalow of Arunachal Pradesh surrounded by evergreen forests overlooking river Noa-dihing at Namdapha.

For reservation / booking at the forest inspection Bungalow, Deban contact Deputy Commissioner, Tawang, Phone: 03794 - 222221 (O) 222222 (R)

Tourist Information / travel agents / booking / package tour in Namdapha National Park Arunachal Pradesh , India
Arunachal Pradesh tourism development corporation , Directorate of Tourism, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India, Phone : +91-360-2214745 E-mail :,

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