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Calangute beach, placed 16 km from Panaji, the capital of Goa is prominently reputed to be the 'Queen of the Goan Beaches'. This unbelievable palm-bordered shore is the most well known Holiday resort in Goa, regularly gathered with individuals.
Calangute beach, placed 16 km from Panaji, the capital of Goa is prominently reputed to be the 'Queen of the Goan Beaches'. This unbelievable palm-bordered shore is the most well known Holiday resort in Goa, regularly gathered with individuals.
Calangute was not the original name of the beach, yet a Portuguese mutilation of the initially Goan name of Koli Gutti, which implies the place that is known for the anglers. Some individuals allude to it as Kolyianguttti, Kalangutti (town of art / craft) Kolngutt, Kongott or Konvallo-ghott ( pit of the coconut tree) as a result of the richness of coconut trees found here.