How to reach Mandarmani , West Bengal , India

by train / rail / road / bus / local transport / air

The adjacent train station is at Contai and the adjacent airport is at Kolkata connected by flights in India. It may be noted that at the instant there is no suitable road for the last 6km into Mandarmani, which compels to drive all along the beach, somewhat that the locals encourage, but has a seriously unfavorable affect on the neighborhood ecology, not to reveal the atmosphere of the beaches. But whilst driving on the beaches one needs to pursue the driving track or risk getting trapped in loose mud.
It's best to cover the whole stretch from Chawalkhola to Mandarmani before dark. The total trip from Kolkata is around 3.5 hours. Distances of Mandarmani from major locations : Esplanade - 63km - Kolaghat - 3km - Mecheda - 80km - Contai - 12.3km - Chawalkhola - 4km - Kalindi - 4km - Dadanpatrabar - 6km -Mandarmani - total 166km.

From Kolkata, bues are available from Esplanade or from Howrah heading towards Chawalkhola, or towards Digha. From Chawlkhola there are cycle-rickshaws and auto-rickshaws which you take to Dadanpatrabar. From Dadanpatrabar, cycle-rickshaws are avilable, but it is most excellent to take the transport from Chawalkhola till Mandarmani because transport accessibility from Dadanpatrabar is extremely uncertain.A number of deluxe coaches also run daily, White liners services from Kolkata is the best option.

Air Conditioned luxury / Volvo buses / Royal Cruiser / services from Kolkata to Digha from which one can get down at Chawalkhola.One would most possibly be walking between the resort and the beach, nevertheless if one needs to take a trip to longer distances, stay away from the excitement to drive on the beach more than essential.

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