Location / altitude / position / temperature / history / significance / importance / map / tourist / travel Guide / information / main attraction / photography tips / photo gallery / entry fee / timing of park
Velavadar National Park, the lone tropical grass land in India renowned as a National park is situated in Bhavnagar district, in the Bhal region of Saurashtra, Gujarat with its nearby city Ballavpur. The park stretch over an area of nearly 1790 hectares which was afterwards acknowledged as a reserve forest and afterwards as a National Park in 1976. The main attraction of the reserve forest is the huge population of Black Buck, antelope, wolf along with endangered and rare species of birds.
The park has a distinctive grass land eco system. On the south border of the park is high tide zone of the Gulf of Khambhat which becomes flooded with water while other sides are bounded by wastelands and agriculture fields makes it the home of wildlife and birdwatchers’ paradise.
best / ideal season / when to visit : October and March